You may have purchased a brand new car and soon after purchase, you are getting a number of phone calls for purchase of roadside assistance card. In this article, I will explain the modus operandi of the callers and explain why one has to be careful with such calls.
Modus Operandi
First of all, I will explain the modus operandi of the callers with the help of my own example. I recently purchased a Maruti Suzuki car. Soon after car purchase, I received a call for roadside assistance card. The caller introduced himself to be from Maruti Roadside Assistance team. He mentioned that Maruti, by default, don’t provide free roadside assistance. However, on payment of Rs. 2,500/-, I can get free road assistance for lifetime (i.e. 15 years of car) anywhere in India. I will be provided with a smart card and I have to call on a toll-free number to avail the facility.
Why to be careful?
Verifying with online roadside assistance provider
When I received first call, it was tempting enough for me to say yes. However wisdom prevailed on me and I decided to do an initial verification. I searched online for roadside assistance companies and came across few reputed ones. The pricing details of one such provider is show below.

One can get the more details of the above plan from here: This plan was for anywhere in India. Hence, naturally was on higher side. I then searched for city specific plan and one such plan by a provider is show below. More details can be found from here:

Now you must have realized that it takes close to Rs. 900 per year (assuming price on the lowest side) for renowned players to provide the roadside assistance, then how can one provide it for Rs. 2500 for 15 years (roughly Rs. 167 per year)? Even if I use the facility for two times in a year, then Rs. 2500 will get balance out given the prevailing cost in India. It is clear that providing the service for 15 years is not feasible at such low cost.
Confirmation from Car Dealer
I called my relationship manager from the Maruti Nexa car dealer and asked him about these calls for road side assistance purchase. He informed that customers usually receive such calls after car purchase. However, these callers have nothing to do with Maruti and to be careful with them. After this, I decided not to say yes to such callers.
There is an app on Android named ‘Truecaller’ which provides caller name when phone calls come from unknown persons. However this app reports caller name only when data is ‘ON’ on mobile. For these roadside assistance card calls, most of the time the app reported them to be spam calls.
Over the few days, I received a number of calls for roadside assistance purchase. I observed the following pattern in them:-
- Callers know about our name and the car model we purchased. Somehow our data get leaked from our car dealer to them. This is similar to AMC calls for AC, refrigerator, RO water purifier etc. soon after purchase of them.
- As soon as we pick up the call, the caller ask for confirming our name i.e. whether Mr. xyz is speaking? Once we say yes, he mention that he is calling either from Maruti roadside assistance or Maruti maintenance or Maruti breakdown department.
- The caller will mention that Maruti is not providing free roadside assistance. However on payment of Rs.2500, it will provide the same free for 15 years anywhere in India. He will ask for home address, so that a person can be sent to our address for collecting the payment and providing us with a smart card. With that card, we can avail roadside assistance.
- If we grill the caller more about his actual company name, then he will tell some company name which we can’t even search on Internet. For example: my car helpline, my car service, India car roadside assistance etc. These words are so common that we won’t be able to locate the company on Internet.
Roadside Assistance with Car Insurance Policy
Many are not aware that our car insurance providers have add-on cover for free road side assistance. This add-on cover’s cost is very cheap. For example, in case of ICICI Lombard, it costs just Rs. 199/-. One can go through the following page: to know about all the services provided by ICICI Lombard under the add-on cover. Other insurance companies, more or less, provide the same facilities with similar cost. Hence, if we like to buy road side assistance, then better we take it from insurance companies as these are regulated and organized companies.
If you are receiving such calls or have some incident to report, then please help others by narrating here. This will surely help others in avoiding the trap. Have a nice day!
thanks for information….i really appreciate

i just received call two times…and i cross-check then i realised…OMG…this call was fraud…
Welcome Ishan.
Received a similar call a few minutes ago from Neha and she used exactly the same language and words otheres have described …below. I was listening to her and she concluded saying there will be a call in 2 minutes for verification of address etc. Between her call and the one that followed it …I checked this blog…and responded suitably to the other call…telling them you are frauds and I just verified from MZ and they do not have such facility…RSA card etc for 15 years…Thansk all
Welcome Rajesh. That’s has served the purpose of this post.
Yes, I have also received a same phone call from a lady 2,3 days back. She was introduced herself as Road side emergency Service department executive of Maruti Suzuki and verified my address with my car details over phone call as well. She had also described a service card for Maruti road side emergency car servicing which will be Valid till 15 years by costing Rs: 3500/-. Mode of payment will be like cash on delivery to courrier person. So, I thaught it was a genuine call and blindly I had sent my correct address to her. After 1 day,… Read more »
Rd, you are lucky to save your money. Usually a second verification of anything saves us from so many scams.
I got a call today for RAC card..they verified my address details. saif they will send the card to me in 7 days, I need to pay 3400 TO activate.
Got call from these numbers- 8791659783, 95235388554
Hi Prakash, thank for sharing the details.
Also got this call stating calling from hyundai u will receive the rsa for 10 years
Beware of such calls.
Thanks by the way how does the data is leaked only rto and delaer knows that we have purchased the car
Usually the staff at dealer office provide this data. RTO being government organization have all sort of rules to prevent such leaks.
Even I got a same call twice
They know my name
My vechile name
And model
Even your address.
मुझे तीन दिन से कॉल आ रहे है जिसमें दावा किया गया कि वे टाटा शोरूम जहाँ से मैने कार ली वहाँ का एड्रेस बता कर हेडऑफिस से बोल रहे हैं, और इस बार मुझे 10 साल की रोड साइड सहायता के लिए 3500 का भुगतान करना होगा। और मेरे घर का पता भी उन्होंने सही बताया एक बार तो मैंने हाँ कर दी फिर बाद में आपकी यह पोस्ट देख कर मना कर दिया उसके बाद एक कन्फर्मेशन कॉल आया की पहले आप ने हां की और अब मना क्यों कर रहे हो इतनी अच्छी सर्विस है और आपको… Read more »
You are welcome Udai.
8588052375 is the no. from where I was called. I agreed and received so called card. They told me to pay 3500. Before payment I opened the package and found a card without any company name. So I returned the courier without payment. They tell you that you get 35% discount on spares and labour charges are free. But I did not see any Renault name on the card so I became suspecious. I managed to save 3500 just in time. Card was fake. Now I think I will be getting abusive calls as I have declined to pay and… Read more »
Good Rajesh that you checked the card before making payment. Don’t worry, the callers would not be able to do anything. Just don’t pick any random call.
I received calls from these numbers telling me to pay for Roadside Service Assistance card: 9773391056, 9773315055, 9773391054.I called my dealer and he told me these are fraud calls and ignore these calls.
Thanks Rakesh for providing the details.
The calls have not stopped. When you question them, they usually hang up or abuse you. They are now claiming to be from Maruti Suzuki Ltd itself! Please be careful if you get calls like this. A big clue is when they call from a mobile number. My other worry is how my data reached these scammers. My name, address, the car I bought… Surely it has to be from the dealership I bought it from.
Got a call from 8588844763 claiming to be from the roadside assistance department. They asked me about my recent car purchase and even mentioned my address. When I asked them how they got my number, they kept on repeating that they got it from the roadside assistance department. I asked them where her office was while googling Roadside Assistance department. Thankfully scam alerts popped up. I disconnected the call before she could lie further.
Either the sales executives or the crooks in the RTO leak these information.
Good that you googled while talking to them and made sensible decision.
Similar fraud happened with me as well. This is the website for this fraud. I got call from Jyoti Mishra (executive/caller) from Amaravati and she told me that she is from Tata motors and asked me to buy a RSA card for 15 years with amount of 3500 Rs. Somehow she convinced me using name of Tata motors company. Once I received card, I paid the amount to courier boy and then only I was allowed to open the card from box. Then I got to that this is diff company (CCA) and not Tata Motors. I called on… Read more »
Sorry to hear your loss and the fraud happened with you. I will suggest to take this lesson by heart that don’t
trust any unknown person or company on phone call. It is better to have true caller installed on phone to detect such fake callers.
I recently bought a Mahindra SUV and today got a call from 9997828536 offering 5 years RSA for 3500. The person knew all details and seemed genuine. I would have fallen for the trap if it hadn’t been for the below few points. Mahindra Sales guy had once mentioned that initially RSA is free for 1 or 3 years. When I asked the person about the period of the RSA they are offering, they knew nothing. I then asked for their company details to look online. The gave a name “car fast service”. That’s another pointer for a fake name… Read more »
Thanks Gabbar for sharing your story. I am feeling that the fraudsters are getting smart as RSA for 5 years sound more genuine than 15 years. I also impressed with role of ‘jamtara’ in getting people careful with calls over phone. I feel that such incidents will reduce only when all people get aware about cyber crimes. You can report the incident to police but I believe you have to take a lot of pain in reporting and following it. I have read few newspaper articles where due to reporting to police, the crime got solved and people got arrested.… Read more »
I also received a call claiming that they are calling from Mahindra Head office, and this time i need to pay 3500 for 10 years of road side assistance .
Once i didn’t accepted their parcel which was COD and again they are sending the same with COD.
Thanks Babloo for sharing the details. Better you decline the parcel again. No harm in it. It is pressure tactic to fraud people.
I also received call, but as I was engaged in some important work, I didn’t replied yes or no,I asked some time to think, then after 2 to 3 days I got a call from courier boy, he want to confirm the delivery, now I called showroom, they told me about this froud, again I got call from that delivery boy, this time I refused to receive
I think RTO people may be involved in this
Thanks MG for sharing the story in your case. It is good that you took time to think about it and made confirmation call to showroom.
These guys behave AS IT IS A COMPULSION TO TAKE THEY DO NOT DISCLOSE THE PRICE! They got it sold to my father who is a senior citizen. Then they spoke to me for my ANOTHER car, i asked them to send me your office address or website, they DISCLOSE NOTHING!
You are right Praki. Nowdays, fraud is everywhere in terms of selling these cards to insurance, resort booking, etc. We should make aware our parents also about that.
I have also received call from following number, they are saying I need to pay 3500/- for card activation as soon as I get the card, they verified my address also. They are going to send the card by blue dart courier and it is cash on delivery. Calling numbers are : 9711850146, 7669364683. 9319385831
Hi Vaibhav, better you don’t accept the courier and return it back. They will pressurize you to accept on phone. Better you don’t pick their phone or disconnect.
7669336041 fraud number and is a fraud company
Usually the fraud guys uses ekart, blue dart or other reputed companies to gain trust and sell the card. Better deny the receipt of card when it come with cash on delivery. No harm in it.
I received a call from the same number as well
Received a call on similar pattern, this time from Tata, asking for availing the road side assistance for Rs 3500. They were asking for PIN code for verification which I found it strange.
When asked for more details, they disconnected the call. The number from which the call was received was 07895580779
Hi Manoj, thanks for sharing the details.
Got a call from “RSA” offering assistance for 15 years for ₹4000/-. Nos. are 07457825715 & 8800763562
I am however livid at the fact that Maruti was so bad at protecting my details. Cyber security is a joke in this country.
Thanks Sumeet for sharing the details.
I did get a call from +918826385288 for a Maruti Roadside Assistance Card. Price was 4500 Rs for 10 years. The caller said I had to say yes and the card would be delivered and I had to pay 4500 In cash on delivery (alarm bells ringing right here). The caller was then being insistent to get me to say yes to the delivery. I asked the caller to call me in half an hour. I went to the Maruti Roadside Assistance website and there was no such card on offer. If there was something this good available , I’m… Read more »
Hi Amartya, thanks for sharing the details. You have concluded rightly in the last.
Reporting another number : +918447394529
This time he did not mention he was from Maruti. Just simple 24X7 Roadside Assistance department. Nothing on google except for something run by TATA Motors. Again, they really would love to just deliver the card to you.
Sancheya, thank you for this article. New car buyers really need to be aware of this. I do have a recording of this convo. I will be happy to share it with you.
Hi Amartya, you have mentioned right that they just like to extract ‘yes’ from you to deliver the card. Once their person reach your door, he will argue if you have change of mind. Usually these people take all precautions like their mobile numbers are procured on fake identify documents. Thanks for offering to share further. However, recording of the conversations will help when someone file a case to Police about such scams. There also it is difficult to prove the case as these people have all precautions like mostly cash collection, no receipt, no agreement for proving violations, etc.… Read more »