Do you like to choose the right product or service keyword for your PayPal business account? A list of all PayPal product or service keywords will help you in identifying the right one for you.
While creating a PayPal business account, one has to describe their business. One of the fields mandatory to enter is the product or service keyword. The entered text has to match one of the predefined keywords. However, the field does not list all these keywords to select the right one.
In this post, I will share all the PayPal product or service keywords. These have been sorted in alphabetical order for easy identification. Further, I will suggest the appropriate keyword for freelancers and donations.

List of PayPal Product or Service Keywords
The list of all keywords available on PayPal is as follows:
- Accounting, Auditing, and Bookkeeping Services
- Advertising Services
- Affiliated Auto Rental
- Agricultural Co-operatives
- Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Repair Shops
- Antique Shops – Sales, Repairs, and Restoration Services
- Aquariums, Seaquariums, Dolphinariums, and Zoos
- Architectural, Engineering, and Surveying Services
- Art Dealers and Galleries
- Artist’s Supply and Craft Shops
- Automotive Body Repair Shops
- Automotive Paint Shops
- Automotive Parts and Accessories Stores
- Automotive Service Shops (Non-Dealer)
- Automotive Tyre Stores
- Bakeries
- Bands, Orchestras, and Miscellaneous Entertainers
- Beauty and Barber Shops
- Bicycle Shops-Sales and Service
- Billiard and Pool Establishments
- Boat Dealers
- Boat Rentals and Leasing
- Bookshops
- Bowling Alleys
- Bus Lines
- Business and Secretarial Schools
- Business Services
- Buying and Shopping Services and Clubs
- Cable, Satellite and Other Pay Television/Radio/Streaming Services
- Camera and Photographic Supply Stores
- Camper, Recreational and Utility Trailer Dealers
- Candy, Nut, and Confectionery Stores
- Car and Truck Dealers (New and Used) Sales, Service, Repairs, Parts, and Leasing
- Car and Truck Dealers (Used Only) Sales, Service, Repairs, Parts, and Leasing
- Car Parks, Parking Metres and Garages
- Car Rental Agency
- Car Washes
- Carpentry Contractors
- Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning
- Caterers
- Chemicals and Allied Products
- Child Care Services
- Children’s and Infants’ Wear Stores
- Cleaning, Maintenance, and Janitorial Services
- Clothing Rental-Costumes, Uniforms, Formal Wear
- Colleges, Universities, Professional Schools, and Junior Colleges
- Commercial Equipment
- Commercial Footwear
- Commercial Photography, Art, and Graphics
- Commercial Sports, Professional Sports Clubs, Athletic Fields, and Sports Promoters
- Computer Maintenance, Repair and Services
- Computer Network/Information Services
- Computer Programming, Data Processing, and Integrated Systems Design Services
- Computer Software Stores
- Computers and Computer Peripheral Equipment and Software
- Concrete Work Contractors
- Construction Materials
- Correspondence Schools
- Cosmetic Stores
- Counselling Services-Debt, Marriage, and Personal
- Courier Services-Air and Ground, and Freight Forwarders
- Dairy Products Stores
- Dance Halls, Studios and Schools
- Dentists and Orthodontists
- Department Stores
- Detective Agencies, Protective Services, and Security Services, including Armored Cars, and Guard Dogs
- Digital Goods Media-Books, Movies, Music
- Digital Goods-Applications (Excludes Games)
- Digital Goods-Games
- Direct Marketing-Insurance Services
- Direct Marketing-Other Direct Marketers
- Discount Stores
- Drapery, Window Covering, and Upholstery Stores
- Dry Cleaners
- Eating Places and Restaurants
- Electric Razor Stores-Sales and Service
- Electrical and Small Appliance Repair Shops
- Electrical Contractors
- Electrical Parts and Equipment
- Electronics Repair Shops
- Electronics Stores
- Elementary and Secondary Schools
- Employment Agencies and Temporary Help Services
- Equipment, Tool, Furniture, and Appliance Rental and Leasing
- Exterminating and Disinfecting Services
- Family Clothing Stores
- Fast Food Restaurants
- Fireplace, Fireplace Screens and Accessories Stores
- Floor Covering Stores
- Florists
- Freezer and Locker Meat Provisioners
- Furniture, Home Furnishings, and Equipment Stores, Except Appliances
- Furniture-Reupholstery, Repair, and Refinishing
- General Contractors-Residential and Commercial
- Government Services
- Gift, Card, Novelty and Souvenir Shops
- Glassware/Crystal Stores
- Glass, Paint, and Wallpaper Stores
- Hardware Stores
- Hardware, Equipment and Supplies
- Hearing Aids-Sales, Service, and Supply
- Heating, Plumbing, and Air Conditioning Contractors
- Hobby, Toy, and Game Shops
- Home Supply Warehouse Stores
- Household Appliance Stores
- Industrial Supplies
- Information Retrieval Services
- Insurance Sales, Underwriting, and Premiums
- Landscaping and Horticultural Services
- Laundrette, Cleaning, and Garment Services
- Laundries-Family and Commercial
- Legal Services and Lawyers
- Lodging-Hotels, Motels, Resorts, Central Reservation Services
- Luggage and Leather Goods Stores
- Lumber and Building Materials Stores
- Management, Consulting, and Public Relations Services
- Marinas, Marine Service, and Supplies
- Masonry, Stonework, Tile Setting, Plastering and Insulation Contractors
- Medical Services and Health Practitioners
- Medical, Dental, Ophthalmic and Hospital Equipment and Supplies
- Membership Organisations
- Men’s and Boys’ Clothing and Accessories Stores
- Men’s and Women’s Clothing Stores
- Men’s, Women’s, and Children’s Uniforms and Commercial Clothing
- Miscellaneous and Specialty Retail Shops
- Miscellaneous Automotive, Aircraft, and Farm Equipment Dealers
- Miscellaneous Clothing and Accessory Shops
- Miscellaneous Food Stores-Convenience Stores and Speciality Markets
- Miscellaneous General Merchandise
- Miscellaneous Home Furnishing Specialist Stores
- Miscellaneous Personal Services
- Miscellaneous Publishing and Printing
- Miscellaneous Repair Shops and Related Services
- Mobile Home Dealers
- Motion Picture and Video Tape Production and Distribution
- Motion Picture Theatres
- Motor Freight Carriers and Trucking-Local and Long Distance, Moving and Storage Companies, and Local Delivery Services
- Motor Home and Recreational Vehicle Rentals
- Motor Homes Dealers
- Motor Vehicle Supplies and New Parts
- Motorcycle Shops and Dealers
- Music Stores-Musical Instruments, Pianos, and Sheet Music
- News Dealers and Newsstands
- Nondurable Goods
- Nurseries and Lawn and Garden Supply Stores
- Office and Commercial Furniture
- Opticians, Optical Goods, and Eyeglasses
- Orthopaedic Goods-Prosthetic Devices
- Paints, Varnishes and Supplies
- Pet Shops, Pet Foods and Supplies Stores
- Photofinishing Laboratories and Photo Developing
- Photographic Studios
- Photographic, Photocopy, Microfilm Equipment and Supplies
- Piece Goods, Notions, and Other Dry Goods
- Plumbing and Heating Equipment and Supplies
- Property Agents and Managers-Rentals
- Public Golf Courses
- Public Warehousing and Storage-Farm Products, Refrigerated Goods, Household Goods, and Storage
- Quick Copy, Reproduction, and Blueprinting Services
- Record Stores
- Recreation Services
- Religious Goods Stores
- Roofing, Siding, and Sheet Metal Work Contractors
- Sewing, Needlework, Fabric and Piece Goods Stores
- Shoe Repair Shops, Shoe Shine Parlours, and Hat Cleaning Shops
- Shoe Stores
- Snowmobile Dealers
- Special Trade Contractors
- Specialist Cleaning, Polishing and Sanitation Preparations
- Sporting and Recreational Camps
- Sporting Goods Stores
- Sports and Riding Clothing Stores
- Stamp and Coin Stores
- Stationery Stores, Office and School Supply Stores
- Stenographic and Secretarial Support
- Swimming Pools-Sales and Service
- Tailors, Seamstresses, Mending, and Alterations
- Taxicabs and Limousines
- Telecommunication Equipment and Phone Sales
- Telecommunication Services, including Local and Long Distance Calls, Credit Card Calls, Calls Through Use of Magnetic- Stripe-Reading Telephones, and Fax Services
- Telegraph Services
- Tent and Awning Shops Theatrical Producers (Except Motion Pictures) and Ticket Agencies
- Timeshares
- Tourist Attractions and Exhibits
- Trailer Park and Camp Sites
- Transportation Services
- Travel Agencies and Tour Operators
- Truck and Utility Trailer Rentals
- Typesetting, Plate Making and Related Services
- Typewriter Stores-Sales, Rentals, and Service
- Tyre Retreading and Repair Shops
- Used Merchandise and Secondhand Stores
- Utilities-Electric, Petrol, Water, and Sanitary
- Variety Stores
- Veterinary Services
- Video Amusement Game Supplies
- Vocational and Trade Schools
- Watch, Clock and Jewellery Repair
- Welding Services
- Wig and Toupee Stores
- Women’s Accessory and Speciality Shops
- Women’s Ready-To-Wear Stores
PayPal Product or Service Keyword for Freelancer
There is so much of variety of business and services these days that it is difficult to create an exhaustive list of all business activities. Hence, one has to choose a keyword which is closer to his actual business activity.
Many freelancers are in confusion about what to choose for product or service keyword as there is no keyword for freelancing.
I suggest choosing ‘News Dealers and Newsstands’ for freelancers who are operating some blogs or websites. This is because writing content is very much like the work of journalists posting a news article. In fact, I am using this keyword for my site.
PayPal Product or Service Keyword for Donation
If you writing some posts and people are getting benefit out of it. They want to donate some amount to support your site.
What to choose for a keyword in this case? Again, I will suggest using the keyword ‘News Dealers and Newsstands’ for donations to be received. Treat this amount as not a donation but payment for your articles which you have kept not binding on the readers.
In this post, we have gone through all the PayPal product or service keywords for easy identification of the right keyword.
I hope now you have identified a keyword that best describes your business. If you have any confusion regarding what to choose, you can drop a comment. I will be more than happy to assist you in finding the right keyword.
Happy learning!
keyword for testing websites
Hi Ayush, you can use Computer Network/Information Services for it.
Digital marketing services keyword?
Hi Ryan, you may use Direct Marketing-Other Direct Marketers for this purpose.
export gemstons other country
In absence of specific keyword for your purpose, you may use Miscellaneous General Merchandise.
keywords for dropshipping
I think Courier Services-Air and Ground, and Freight Forwarders would be appropriate here.
keyword for lifestyle coaching?
Counselling Services-Debt, Marriage, and Personal would be appropriate here.
Keyword for the one who do attempt surveys in app like primw opinion?
I think Computer Network/Information Services would be appropriate here.
What is keyword for selling home. kitchen. garden products?
I think Miscellaneous Home Furnishing Specialist Stores would fit here.
what would be the best keyword for psychic reading services, and other psychic intuitive counselors online?
Hi Ana, Counselling Services-Debt, Marriage, and Personal would be ok here.
I help clearing doubts and guiding them to fix the problem of their playstation consoles.
Hi Jiyas, I feel that Computer Network/Information Services would be appropriate here.
i am a 3d artist and i can’t seem to find any related keywords for this field so what should i choose?
Hi Harsh, as per my view, Commercial Photography, Art, and Graphics would fit your work.
What would be the best keyword for selling enamel pins ?
I feel that Gift, Card, Novelty and Souvenir Shops would be appropriate here.
keyword for gemstones
In absence of specific keyword, you may use Miscellaneous General Merchandise.
Sorry for being late in replying to you as I was out of town. For freelancing and sponsored writing, News Dealers and Newsstands would be appropriate.
What keyword for a transcriber
Hi Pawan, I feel that Stenographic and Secretarial Support or Quick Copy, Reproduction, and Blueprinting Services
would be appropriate for you.
What would be the service keyword for a food pantry?
I feel that keyword – Fast Food Restaurants would be most near to your work.
for sponsorships and freelancing?
If you are doing freelancing in writing, then News Dealers and Newsstands would be appropriate.
What keyword for Twitch Streamer?
For social media managers
I feel that Computer Network/Information Services or Computer Programming, Data Processing, and Integrated Systems Design Services would be appropriate for you.
Which type of purpose code for a artwork selling in PayPal
Either Art Dealers and Galleries or Commercial Photography, Art, and Graphics would be appropriate for you.
Art work selling so which type of Product or service keywords for PayPal
Hi Bhargav, either Art Dealers and Galleries or Commercial Photography, Art, and Graphics would be appropriate for you.